Unique Challenges

Recipes created with challenges from friends using specified ingredients

Chewy Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

Sometimes life surprises us! Look where you are today… is this where you imagined yourself a year ago? Where do you imagine yourself in a year? In five years? In ten years? While pondering the past and focusing on the future are important in our lives, so is taking time […]

Asiago Salmon with Creamy Artichoke Cauliflower Rice

This delicious baked asiago salmon with creamy artichoke cauliflower rice is a delicious combination of flavors! From Asiago to lemon to basil and garlic. This dish is easy and delightful!

Chorizo Cherry Spaghetti Squash with Poblano Crema

Amazing how often challenges present themselves in life. The way we view them has a significant impact on how they affect out lives. Do we fight relentlessly against the challenge and allow it to consume our joy? Do we hide away and avoid the challenge? Do we flow with the […]

Eggplant with Peanut Sauce and Spicy Curry Lentils

Life continues to bring challenges, welcome or unwelcome, expected or unexpected. Real. Unique. Natural. Part of being human. Use that creativity that is tucked away inside your spirit. Let the impending challenge come into your life. Sometimes we want to fight, and yet it always seems to find a way […]

Bacon Rutabaga Chayote Hash with Spicy Avocado Mousse

Another challenge. Does it ever seem like life presents ongoing challenges? Does it ever seem like your to-do-list just grows and grows? Does it ever feel like you have been walking uphill for a long time without a chance to sit down and relax? It is okay to take a […]

Coconut Mango Dessert Tostadas

There are days when we simplify things. There are days when we complicate things. One is not necessarily better than the other… just different. Sometimes we need easy answers and explanations, and other times we need more details and description. Where are you today? Simple? Complex? Both? Neither? For those […]

White Bean Chicken Pesto Soup with Parmesan Hush Puppies and Arugula Pesto Salad

I sit and think about the unique challenges life often presents. I haven’t met anyone who has not been challenged in some way. So often, people around us are being challenged in ways that we could never even imagine. There are many of us who do not share our challenges […]