All Recipes

a collection of Amiessa’s Kitchen favorites

Chewy Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

Sometimes life surprises us! Look where you are today… is this where you imagined yourself a year ago? Where do you imagine yourself in a year? In five years? In ten years? While pondering the past and focusing on the future are important in our lives, so is taking time […]

Asiago Salmon with Creamy Artichoke Cauliflower Rice

This delicious baked asiago salmon with creamy artichoke cauliflower rice is a delicious combination of flavors! From Asiago to lemon to basil and garlic. This dish is easy and delightful!

Galinhada Saffron Chicken and Cauliflower Rice

Culture. Diversity. Appreciation. Respect. Curiosity. Humility. Compassion. There are so many amazing diverse cultures around this world. If only there was enough time in this life to visit them all and learn about their unique beauties and challenges! I have decided to do my best to taste flavors of places […]

Chorizo Cherry Spaghetti Squash with Poblano Crema

Amazing how often challenges present themselves in life. The way we view them has a significant impact on how they affect out lives. Do we fight relentlessly against the challenge and allow it to consume our joy? Do we hide away and avoid the challenge? Do we flow with the […]