This recipe is a Creole-inspired shrimp and andouille etouffee with delicious spice and savory goodness that will make your mouth water!
All Recipes
a collection of Amiessa’s Kitchen favorites
Savory Shrimp Stock
This shrimp stock is the absolute best! Savory and delicious! Perfect as the base of your etouffee or other seafood dishes!
Southern Slow Cooker Green Beans
These Southern Slow Cooker Green Beans are going to knock your socks off! Green beans and bacon – how could you go wrong?!
Lemon Curry Chicken Stir Fry
Gratitude. Positivity. Hope. Struggle. Worry. Fear. Choose where you want to focus. Sometimes we can get caught up in the challenges of life. We can feel the stress of change, of uncertainty, of the unknown. This is part of being human. A daily practice of gratitude has the potential to […]
Slow Cooker Chicken Marsala
Hurry. Rush. Quick. Get it done. Running late. Deadline. Overdue. Faster. Just typing these words seems to raise my heart rate. Pause. Breathe. We are only human. We can do as much as we can do. Society often creates a sense of urgency… a sense that we must work ourselves […]
Steak au Poivre
Today I find myself again wondering about existence. Why are we here? That is a very big question with many possibilities. I’ve had opportunity to ask this question and discuss this concept many times in my life. I have participated in civilized discussions on many different viewpoints… from the possibility […]
Coconut Mango Dessert Tostadas
There are days when we simplify things. There are days when we complicate things. One is not necessarily better than the other… just different. Sometimes we need easy answers and explanations, and other times we need more details and description. Where are you today? Simple? Complex? Both? Neither? For those […]
Spicy Gochujang Chicken
Do you dream of trying something new? Do you have a fear of the unknown? Are you comfortable in your routine? Are you content with life? Do you hope for more? We can hold so many of these thoughts and feelings within us at the same time… And that is […]
Baby Bella Cauliflower Rice
Healthy. What exactly does that mean? Society is all too excited to tell us… there are so many websites, news stories, products, and advertisers who will tell us what healthy means. We are all unique… our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits come together into these unique human selves. Healthy does […]
Hearty Wonton-Less Wonton Soup
Find your creativity. This can be so fulfilling in life! There may be a time that we do not feel creative. There may a time that we compare our creativity to that of others. We each have our talents. We each have our skills and insights. It is about finding […]
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