Baby Bella Cauliflower Rice

Healthy. What exactly does that mean? Society is all too excited to tell us… there are so many websites, news stories, products, and advertisers who will tell us what healthy means. We are all unique… our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits come together into these unique human selves. Healthy does not have to be boring or bland. Healthy may be different for each of us. Healthy may be a lifestyle. Healthy may relate to diet. Healthy may mean more exercise, and healthy may mean more relaxation. Balance. Embrace your unique humanness.

Healthy and flavor do not have to be exclusive of one another. This is true in food and in life. We can have an exciting flavorful life that is also healthy. We can have flavorful food that is also healthy. This is one of those recipes. I did not like cauliflower until I tried cauliflower rice. Now I eat it all the time. Our bodies like vegetables. Here is an opportunity for a side dish that the taste buds will enjoy, as well!

My favorite tips:

*The beauty of this dish is that it is delicious and healthy. It tastes like a scrumptious rice dish, with the healthy cauliflower substitute!
*The cauliflower can be riced from fresh cauliflower in a food processor, or you can purchase it pre-riced and frozen. I often use the frozen cauliflower rice for the ease and quickness. If using frozen cauliflower rice, thaw before cooking this recipe.
*The recipe itself is gluten-free and vegetarian. Please note, I often show photos with items that are not vegetarian.
*I love using fresh garlic and fresh ginger. It is okay to substitute with pre-minced garlic and ginger, found in most grocery stores.
*When cooking the cauliflower rice, covering the pan will help steam the cauliflower and quickly cook it through.
*This side dish goes with so many tasty recipes! I love it with grilled chicken dishes, spicy dishes, and anything that you would normally serve with rice. Try it with delicious Spicy Gochujang Chicken!

Baby Bella Cauliflower Rice

Recipe by AmiessaCourse: Scrumptious SidesCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 3 cups cauliflower rice, uncooked

  • 8 ounces Baby Bella mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

  • 4 garlic cloves, fresh minced

  • 1 tsp ginger, fresh minced

  • 1 Tbsp olive oil

  • Optional Garnish – green onions, sliced

  • Optional Garnish – red pepper flakes


  • Heat olive oil in skillet over medium-high heat.
  • Add ginger, garlic, and mushrooms. Stir. Cook until mushrooms soften. Remove mushrooms from pan and set aside.
  • Add cauliflower rice to skillet. Turn heat to medium and cover. Cook until cauliflower rice is heated through.
  • Add mushrooms back into the skillet and stir into the rice.
  • Garnish as you wish, and ENJOY!


  • *The beauty of this dish is that it is delicious and healthy. It tastes like a scrumptious rice dish, with the healthy cauliflower substitute!
  • *The cauliflower can be riced from fresh cauliflower in a food processor, or you can purchase it pre-riced and frozen. I often use the frozen cauliflower rice for the ease and quickness. If using frozen cauliflower rice, thaw before cooking this recipe.
  • *I love using fresh garlic and fresh ginger. It is okay to substitute with pre-minced garlic and ginger, found in most grocery stores.
  • *When cooking the cauliflower rice, covering the pan will help steam the cauliflower and quickly cook it through.
  • *This side dish goes with so many tasty recipes! I love it with grilled chicken dishes, spicy dishes, and anything that you would normally serve with rice. Try it with delicious Spicy Gochujang Chicken!

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